Top "Resharper" questions

ReSharper is a refactoring and productivity extension by JetBrains that extends native functionality of Microsoft Visual Studio versions since 2003.

Why is '397' used for ReSharper GetHashCode override?

Like many of you, I use ReSharper to speed up the development process. When you use it to override the …

hash resharper hash-code-uniqueness
ReSharper Abbreviations List: Where can I modify it?

I am using ReSharper 4.5, and what often happens when I am converting explicit properties into auto-properties, is that I will …

Remove unused Usings across entire assembly

I am wondering if maybe ReSharper is able to run through every class and remove unused usings? I looked but …

ReSharper - force curly braces around single line

Can I configure ReSharper to fix C# code when curly braces are not used to surround a single-line code block, …

c# resharper
Could string comparisons really differ based on culture when the string is guaranteed not to change?

I'm reading encrypted credentials/connection strings from a config file. Resharper tells me, "String.IndexOf(string) is culture-specific here" on …

c# resharper configuration-files cultureinfo string-comparison
How to share the same Resharper settings between multiple solutions, with no manual intervention?

Our projects are organized in a master solution (containing every project) and multiple smaller solutions containing groupings of related projects. …

.net visual-studio tfs resharper solution
Resharper runs UnitTest from different location

When I run unit tests with Visual Studio it works fine, because it runs from project directory where all assemblies …

unit-testing visual-studio-2012 nunit resharper .net-assembly
Resharper move line up down not working

I can't make it working, move line up or down doesn't work. When I reset keyboard for VS and applay …

Alternatives to Resharper

Just before you sigh and mark this question as a duplicate, I can tell you, it is not. I've seen …

visual-studio resharper visual-studio-extensions
Is Int32.ToString() culture-specific?

I'm running a beta version of ReSharper, and it's giving me warnings for the following code: int id; // ... DoSomethingWith(id.…

c# .net resharper cultureinfo