I'm playing with SpecFlow, and ReSharper thinks that my step definitions are unused (I guess because they're used via reflection):
public class StepDefinitions
// ...
[When(@"I press add")]
public void WhenIPressAdd() // R# thinks this is unused
// ...
How can I tell ReSharper that methods with [Given]
, [When]
, [Then]
attributes (etc.) are actually used? I don't want to use // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
I could also mark each method (or the whole class) with [JetBrains.Annotations.UsedImplicitly]
. I don't particularly want to do that either.
You need to use JetBrains Annotations, and mark the attribute with an MeansImplicitUseAttribute
. You can either reference JetBrains.Annotations.dll
directly, or you can copy the annotations source code (from ReSharper / Options / Code Inspection / Code Annotations) into your solution.
If you need to annotate some external assembly you don't own, you need to create an External Annotation file (xml) in the following folder: %ReSharperInstallDir%\Bin\ExternalAnnotations
. There are plenty of examples, you can just copy some.
The external annotations file can also be in the same path as the DLL if you name it DllNameWithoutExtension.ExternalAnnotations.xml