I have an SSRS report that displays several pages of rows. In each row is a "TYPE" field. In that TYPE field there is either an "M" for the value or a "P" for the value. At the end of the report I want to summ up all the price values for the "P" TYPES. I tried this but it prioduced an #Error:
=Sum(iif(Fields!TYPE.Value = "P",Fields!EXT_QTY.Value * Fields!PRICE.Value ,0))
this summed all rows
=iif(Fields!PART_TYPE.Value = "P" , Sum(Fields!EXT_QTY.Value * Fields!PRICE.Value ), 0 )
I'm sure this is do-able. Any ideas? Thanks
Found the answer....
=SUM(IIF(Fields!PART_TYPE.Value ="P",CDbl(Fields!EXT_QTY.Value * Fields!PRICE.Value), CDbl(0.0)))