I am having trouble showing/hiding a column based on parameter value chosen.
How my report is set up: Parameter: ImportStatus --ImportStatus parameter has three values you can choose from: M, V, E
If I choose ImportStatus value = 'M', then I want the report to display a specific column.
Currently, if I go to Column Visibility screen of a column I want to show/hide, I am able to hide column for all values instead of specific. Any idea how to do this correctly?
My expression:
=IIF(Parameters!ImportStatus.Value = "M",true,false)
The expression
=IIF(Parameters!ImportStatus.Value = "M",true,false)
will give the same result as
=(Parameters!ImportStatus.Value = "M")
The expression you need to give specifies whether or not to hide the column, so to show a column where @ImportStatus = "M", you would simply reverse the logic:
=Not(Parameters!ImportStatus.Value = "M")