how to display multivalued parameter value in SSRS text box

SqlLearner picture SqlLearner · Sep 23, 2014 · Viewed 14.1k times · Source

I am having a multivalued parameter 'client',i have almost 60 values in the client parameter,my requirement is display the selected client values in the header text box but when i select 'SELECT ALL' option in the parameter i should display just 'ALL' rather than displaying all the 60 values.

I am using the below expression to display parameter values which is working fine

="For Client -" & Join(Parameters!Client.Value, ",")

now how can i display 'ALL' rather than displaying all the client values when i select 'Select ALL' option?


Aftab Ansari picture Aftab Ansari · Sep 23, 2014

Try this:

=IIF(Parameters!YourParameter.Count=Count(Fields!DataSetFieldName.Value, "Name OF Your DataSet"),"ALL",Join(Parameters! YourParameter.Value,","))