Top "Report" questions

A report contains summarized information from a data source, usually in an end-user-friendly format, such as PDF or Excel, although proprietary reporting tools (usually with built-in design tools) also exist.

Crystal Reports vs. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services

I am developing a WPF application, and I need your advice. I have to generate reports in my application. What …

sql-server reporting-services crystal-reports report
Create Jasper Report PDF form from JSON Object or JSON String

It is fine when create the Jasper report(PDF, Excel, Csv) by using JRBeanCollectionDataSource. It means that the .jrxml file …

java json report
How to define page breaks when printing html?

I have a application made with Delphi 2006 which prints with QuickReport. Due to many bugs, I will rebuild this section …

html printing report
Jacoco Maven multi module project coverage

Seems like there are couple of questions, which are quite old and things changed from Java 8 support of Jacoco. My …

java html report jacoco jacoco-maven-plugin
How to print a text file on thermal printer using PrintDocument?

I'm creating an application using C# with Winforms and now I need to print the receipt of sale on a …

c# winforms report printdocument
How to create BIRT report based on multiple data sets

I need help in creating a BIRT report; the situation is that I have multiple queries but the report all …

sql reporting-services report business-intelligence birt
Printing and making reports in c# winform

I used in Delphi QuickReport to create reports and print. What can I use to do this in .NET C#? …

c# winforms printing report
How to create TCPDF HTML table with variable row paddings

I'm trying to create an HTML table in TCPDF, with few rows having grater space between rows (padding), and others …

php css report tcpdf
MySQL open source reporting services

I am currently working on a project where reporting services are required. The database back end is built using MySQL …

mysql report