Top "Replicaset" questions

This tag is used mostly for a MongoDB replica set (a group of "mongod" processes that maintain the same data set) and rarely for a Kubernetes ReplicaSet (the next-generation Replication Controller with set-based selector support).

MongoDB Multiple Masters in ReplicaSet

I've got a question concerning multiple masters in a replicaSet with MongoDB. I have the following layout: Server A --&…

mongodb replication database-replication master replicaset
MongoDB Replica Set Member State is "OTHER"

Three members, primary & secondary - and a third one that's "OTHER" - I can't find any info on that …

mongodb replicaset
Update role user: not authorized on admin to execute command

When I try to get info about replica I get the following error: rep0:PRIMARY> rs.printReplicationInfo() 2015-05-19…

mongodb permissions rbac replicaset
Error while adding a secondary instance in mongodb replica set

I am trying to deploy mongodb replica set . I have made my mongodb instance as primary of the replica . Now …

mongodb replicaset
Mongodump with Replica Set : how to force on secondary?

I have a strange problem with my MongoDB Replica Set backup. I have 2 servers (one primary and one secondary) and …

mongodb mongodump replicaset
Single Instance Mongodb Replica Set - cannot perform query/insert operations

After installing mongodb, I ran mongod with mongod --dbpath <pathtodb> --logpath <pathtolog> --replSet rs0 I then …

mongodb replicaset
deployment fails to recreate a successful replicaset

We are using Kubernetes 1.8 to deploy our software in a cloud provider. Frequently, when deploying a specific pod-template, the deployment …

deployment kubectl replicaset
How to determine ops cause getMore operations on a MongoDB server

I am seeing the following in mongostat on the primary server in my replicate set: insert query update delete getmore …

mongodb cursor replicaset
MongoDB Error: Unable to reach primary for set [set_name] when connect to mongo replica set

I'm trying to connect to MongoDB replica set consists of 3 mongo docker-container, but Error Message: Unable to reach primary for …

mongodb docker-compose replicaset
pymongo unable to connect to primary

I'm trying to find_one by connecting to my replica set's primary node. MongoClient(hostname, replicaSet="rs0", read_preference=ReadPreference.…

mongodb pymongo replicaset database