Top "Replaceall" questions

The replaceAll() method in java (and similarly named methods in other languages) is used to replace all instances of a character in a string with another character.

java new line replacement

I am wondering about why I don't get the expected result with this one: String t = "1302248663033 <script language='javascript'&…

java newline replaceall
java replaceAll not working for \n characters

I have a string like this: John \n Barber now I want to replace \n with actual new line character …

java regex string replaceall
Regular expression to replace content between parentheses ()

I tried this code: string.replaceAll("\\(.*?)",""); But it returns null. What am I missing?

java regex string replaceall
Remove certain characters from string

I want to create a program that gives the number of characters, words, etc... in a user-inputted string. To get …

java string replace character replaceall
Convert java string to string compatible with a regex in replaceAll

Is there a library or any easy way to convert a string and make sure its compatible as a regex …

java regex replace replaceall
Java replaceAll() method to escape special characters

I am using java replaceAll() method to escape new line characters String comment = "ddnfa \n \r \tdnfadsf ' \r t "; …

java regex replaceall
How to replace one or more \ in string with just \?

Consider the string, this\is\\a\new\\string The output should be: this\is\a\new\string So basically one …

java regex string replace replaceall
How to replace the characher `\n` as a new line in android

I have one server response for an API request as shown below. Success! Your request has been sent.\n\nWe’…

android string escaping replaceall