Top "Replace" questions

Replacing is the action of searching a string for a sub-string and replacing it with a different string.

Replace a Substring of a String in Velocity Template Language

I want to replace a part of a string in Velocity Template Language with another string. For Example: #set($a = "…

string replace velocity vtl
Python search and replace in binary file

I am trying to search and replace some of the text (eg 'Smith, John') in this pdf form file (header.…

python replace binary-data
how to replace class HTML name with javascript

ok so what I'm trying to do is to get the element's with the class name 'no-js' and replace it …

javascript replace classname
String replace all items in array PHP

I would like to do a string replacement in all items in an array. What I have is: $row['c1…

php string replace foreach str-replace
Case-insensitive PowerShell replacement

I have the following PowerShell script: $RegExplorer = Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters $NullSessionPipes = "$($RegExplorer.NullSessionPipes)" $NullSessionPipes $NullSessionPipes = $…

powershell replace case
How do I replace tabs with spaces within variables in PHP?

$data contains tabs, leading spaces and multiple spaces. I wish to replace all tabs with a space. Multiple spaces with …

php replace tabs spaces
Excel escaping quotes or apostrophes in cell values

I get a lot of database information from clients in excel spreadsheets. I frequently need to insert/update this data …

sql excel replace apostrophe substitution
Is there a MySQL equivalent of PHP's preg_replace?

I have a to match a field in MySQL, for which I thought I could use a regular expression, but …

php mysql regex replace preg-replace
Find and replace all matching strings within textarea

I have this var textarea=$('#content'); textarea.html(textarea.html().replace("PID","111111")); This works partially, but it only finds …

jquery text replace area
Search and replace specific query string parameter value in javascript

I have a string which is something like this : a_href= ""; I need to …

javascript search replace design-patterns match