Top "Repeater" questions

The Repeater control is used to display a repeated list of items that are bound to the control.

How to use paging with Repeater control in ASP.NET?

<asp:Repeater ID="RepCourse" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <div style="width:400px"></div> &…

c# jquery pagination repeater
Can't find control within repeater?

I have the following repeater below and I am trying to find lblA in code behind and it fails. Below …

c# repeater
How to access datasource fields in an ASP.NET Repeaters ItemDataBound event?

I have a Repeater control that is being bound to the result of a Linq query. I want to get … repeater itemdatabound
Repeater in Repeater

I have a repeater inside a repeater. Where the parent repeater is bound to a Datatble which has a column … repeater nested-repeater
Default text for empty Repeater control

Using VS 2008, I have a Repeater control: <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="storesRep" DataSourceID="storeSqlDataSource" OnItemDataBound="StoresRep_ItemDataBound"> &… repeater
How to do AsyncPostBackTrigger for the LinkButton in the Repeater

In my page, I have an LinkButton inside repeater, but the UpdatePanel cannot find the LinkButton to AsyncPostBackTrigger. Here is … ajax updatepanel repeater linkbutton
Strange Error - CS0012: The type x is defined in an assembly that is not referenced

The type 'x' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'abc123…

wpf user-controls .net-2.0 assemblies repeater
Accessing Textboxes in Repeater Control

All the ways I can think to do this seem very hackish. What is the right way to do this, …

c# textbox repeater
using if with eval("") in

I am using repeater to display the news on the news section. In my news section i have got 2 labels(…

.net if-statement repeater eval
If statement in repeaters ItemTemplate

I'm using an ASP.NET Repeater to display the contents of a <table>. It looks something like this: &…

c# repeater itemtemplate