Top "Remoting" questions

.NET Remoting is a Microsoft application programming interface (API) for interprocess communication released in 2002 with the 1.0 version of .NET framework.

Is .NET Remoting really deprecated?

Everyone is saying how .NET Remoting is being replaced by WCF, but I'm wondering just how accurate that is. I …

.net wcf remoting
Maven WAR dependency - cannot resolve package?

I have a war dependency: <dependency> <groupId>my.package</groupId> <artifactId>myservices&…

java spring maven remoting war
Usage of AppDomain in C#

What is the most important use of AppDomains in C#?

c# remoting appdomain
Unable to access UNC Paths in Powershell remote session

I am unable to access the UNC paths on my servers in a Powershell remote session from my local machine. …

powershell mapping remoting invoke
How best to communicate between AppDomains?

I have an application that needs to send a moderately high volume of messages between a number of AppDomains. I …

c# .net remoting appdomain
Passing Powershell variables into a scriptblock

I am trying to take powershell variables and apply them to a scriptblock. param( [string]$username = $(throw "Blackberry Admin User …

blackberry powershell remoting
ASP.NET Stress Testing

Is there a way to test an application where you simulate a hundred different clients connecting to a IIS server … remoting session stress-testing weborb
How fast or lightweight Is Protocol Buffer?

Is Protocol Buffer for .NET gonna be lightweight/faster than Remoting(the SerializationFormat.Binary)? Will there be a first class …

c# remoting protocol-buffers
What causes "Tcp channel protocol violation expecting preamble" in .NET Remoting?

I have a distributed application that uses .NET Remoting on an in-house gigabit network. There is a single server, and …

.net remoting .net-remoting
How to support both HTTP and HTTPS channels in Flex/BlazeDS?

I've been trying to find the right configuration for supporting both http/s requests in a Flex app. I've read …

java apache-flex flex3 remoting blazeds