Top "Remote-branch" questions

Git pull origin <branch> overwrites master?

I have a repository on Github, aav1 On my laptop I have two branches, one called master and one called …

git github git-branch remote-branch
fatal: The upstream branch of your current branch does not match the name of your current branch

After doing a checkout of the remote branch releases/rel_5.4.1 using the Git GUI, I'm seeing this unexpected error message …

git push remote-branch
git pull all branches from remote repository

How do I pull all of the remote branches to my own repository? if I type: git branch -a I …

git version-control git-branch remote-branch
Why does Git tell me "Not currently on any branch" after I run "git checkout origin/<branch>"?

I was trying to follow the instructions from Git: "Not currently on any branch." Is there an easy way to …

git git-checkout remote-branch
How to remove remote origin/refs/heads/master

Don't ask me how but I managed to get accidentally the following remote branches in a git repository: $ git branch …

git remote-branch
How to share a git feature (or topic) branch with multiple developers

I'm following the the workflow described here, as I found many references pointing to this page as a good workflow. …

git git-branch git-flow remote-branch feature-branch
Can't push local changes to an existing remote branch

There is a remote branch called "my-remote" that I had previously pushed to with no problem. As of today, I …

git remote-branch
Configure a local branch for push to specific branch

Sorry if this question has been asked already. Am cloning from a repo named "git_lab" which has a branch …

git git-branch git-push remote-branch git-config
Refresh remote Git branches in Android studio

There is a new branch in the remote repository, but it does not appear in the git branches in android …

android git android-studio refresh remote-branch
fetch remote branch with the same name

I want to fetch a branch from a remote, but my branch name does not start with remote name, for …

git remote-branch