Top "Regression" questions

Regression analysis is a collection of statistical techniques for modeling and predicting one or multiple variables based on other data.

How is Elastic Net used?

This is a beginner question on regularization with regression. Most information about Elastic Net and Lasso Regression online replicates the …

python statistics machine-learning regression scikit-learn
GridSearchCV - XGBoost - Early Stopping

i am trying to do hyperparemeter search with using scikit-learn's GridSearchCV on XGBoost. During gridsearch i'd like it to early …

python-3.x scikit-learn regression data-science xgboost
R-squared value in Excel with the 'addtrendline' function?

I have been struggling a while on that; In short, I can't find the equations Excel uses for R2. Here …

excel matlab regression curve-fitting trendline
Missing values in MS Excel LINEST, TREND, LOGEST and GROWTH functions

I'm using the GROWTH (or LINEST or TREND or LOGEST, all make the same trouble) function in Excel 2003. But there …

excel statistics excel-2003 regression
Is it ok to define your own cost function for logistic regression?

In least-squares models, the cost function is defined as the square of the difference between the predicted value and the …

machine-learning data-mining regression
What does the capital letter "I" in R linear regression formula mean?

I haven't been able to find an answer to this question, largely because googling anything with a standalone letter (like "…

r regression formula polynomials
Understanding Tensorflow LSTM Input shape

I have a dataset X which consists N = 4000 samples, each sample consists of d = 2 features (continuous values) spanning back t = 10 …

python tensorflow regression lstm
Using LASSO in R with categorical variables

I've got a dataset with 1000 observations and 76 variables, about twenty of which are categorical. I want to use LASSO on …

r regression glmnet lasso-regression lars
Using categorical data as features in sklean LogisticRegression

I'm trying to understand how to use categorical data as features in sklearn.linear_model's LogisticRegression. I understand of course …

python scikit-learn regression data-modeling logistic-regression
Obtain residual standard errors of an "mlm" object returned by `lm()`

I've used lm() to fit multiple regression models, for multiple (~1 million) response variables in R. Eg. allModels <- lm(…

r regression linear-regression lm mlm