I'm trying to write a trait (in Scala 2.8) that can be mixed in to a case class, allowing its fields to be inspected at runtime, for a particular debugging purpose. I want to get them back in the order that they were declared in the source file, and I'd like to omit any other fields inside the case class. For example:
trait CaseClassReflector extends Product {
def getFields: List[(String, Any)] = {
var fieldValueToName: Map[Any, String] = Map()
for (field <- getClass.getDeclaredFields) {
fieldValueToName += (field.get(this) -> field.getName)
productIterator.toList map { value => fieldValueToName(value) -> value }
case class Colour(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int) extends CaseClassReflector {
val other: Int = 42
scala> val c = Colour(234, 123, 23)
c: Colour = Colour(234,123,23)
scala> val fields = c.getFields
fields: List[(String, Any)] = List((red,234), (green,123), (blue,23))
The above implementation is clearly flawed because it guesses the relationship between a field's position in the Product and its name by equality of the value on those field, so that the following, say, will not work:
Colour(0, 0, 0).getFields
Is there any way this can be implemented?
Look in trunk and you'll find this. Listen to the comment, this is not supported: but since I also needed those names...
/** private[scala] so nobody gets the idea this is a supported interface.
private[scala] def caseParamNames(path: String): Option[List[String]] = {
val (outer, inner) = (path indexOf '$') match {
case -1 => (path, "")
case x => (path take x, path drop (x + 1))
for {
clazz <- getSystemLoader.tryToLoadClass[AnyRef](outer)
ssig <- ScalaSigParser.parse(clazz)
yield {
val f: PartialFunction[Symbol, List[String]] =
if (inner.isEmpty) {
case x: MethodSymbol if x.isCaseAccessor && (x.name endsWith " ") => List(x.name dropRight 1)
else {
case x: ClassSymbol if x.name == inner =>
val xs = x.children filter (child => child.isCaseAccessor && (child.name endsWith " "))
xs.toList map (_.name dropRight 1)
(ssig.symbols partialMap f).flatten toList