Top "Reducers" questions

Refers to reducers in the mapreduce framework.

When should I add Redux to a React app?

I'm currently learning React and I am trying to figure out how to use it with Redux for building a …

javascript mobile reactjs redux reducers
Why does my Redux reducer think my state is undefined?

I believe I'm copying the Todo tutorial pretty much line for line, I am getting this error: Error: Reducer "addReport" …

redux reducers
React Redux : Action creator not calling reducer

My action creator is not calling my reducer. Any help will be much appreciated. types.js export const SELECTED_FOOD = …

javascript reactjs redux action reducers
Number of reducers in hadoop

I was learning hadoop, I found number of reducers very confusing : 1) Number of reducers is same as number of partitions. 2) …

hadoop mapreduce hadoop2 reducers bigdata
Why does TypeScript infer the 'never' type when reducing an Array with concat?

Code speaks better than language, so: ['a', 'b', 'c'].reduce((accumulator, value) => accumulator.concat(value), []); The code is very …

typescript functional-programming reduce reducers strictnullchecks
“Combiner" Class in a mapreduce job

A Combiner runs after the Mapper and before the Reducer,it will receive as input all data emitted by the …

hadoop mapreduce reducers combiners
saving json data in hdfs in hadoop

I have the following Reducer class public static class TokenCounterReducer extends Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> { public void …

java json hadoop mapreduce reducers
React.js/Redux: setInterval and clearInterval in Reducers

Currently I am working on FCC Game of Life and I was able figure out how to generate the next …

reactjs redux setinterval react-redux reducers
How do you clean up Redux' state?

As a Redux beginner, given (the idea of) a somewhat larger application I imagine a root reducer similar to: const …

reactjs state redux reducers
Redux Reducer - How to update an object value without mutating the state?

My reducer looks like this: const players = (state = {}, action) => { switch (action.type) { case 'UPDATE_PLAYERS_CARDS': return Object.assign({}, …

javascript reactjs redux immutability reducers