Top "Reduce" questions

Reduce refers to the second step in a MapReduce computation, a component of a larger scalable, parallel-izable algorithm.

How does reduce function work?

As far as I understand, the reduce function takes a list l and a function f. Then, it calls the …

python reduce
When do reduce tasks start in Hadoop?

In Hadoop when do reduce tasks start? Do they start after a certain percentage (threshold) of mappers complete? If so, …

hadoop mapreduce reduce
Where is the "Fold" LINQ Extension Method?

I found in MSDN's Linq samples a neat method called Fold() that I want to use. Their example: double[] doubles = { 1.7, 2.3, 1.9, 4.1, 2.9 }; …

c# linq extension-methods reduce
How does reduce_sum() work in tensorflow?

I am learning tensorflow, I picked up the following code from the tensorflow website. According to my understanding, axis=0 is …

python tensorflow multidimensional-array reduce tensor
NameError: global name 'reduce' is not defined

I'm new to Python. Would you please tell me what's wrong with the following code? When I run it, I …

python reduce
Main difference between map and reduce

I used both methods but I am quite confused regarding the usage of both methods. Is anything that map can …

javascript dictionary reduce
Is inject the same thing as reduce in ruby?

I saw that they were documented together here. Are they the same thing? Why does Ruby have so many aliases (…

ruby alias reduce inject
Difference between reduce and foldLeft/fold in functional programming (particularly Scala and Scala APIs)?

Why do Scala and frameworks like Spark and Scalding have both reduce and foldLeft? So then what's the difference between …

scala functional-programming reduce fold scalding
how to use reduce with dictionary

I have some problem understanding how to use reduce with dictionaries in python. For example I have the following dictionary. {1: 3, 2: 1, 3: 2} …

python dictionary reduce
Count the number of true members in an array of boolean values

New to javascript and I'm having trouble counting the number of trues in an array of boolean values. I'm trying …

javascript arrays ternary-operator reduce