I made a custom registration module for Opencart,
my registration page has the following url:
while the default registration page url is:
I want to redirect users to my registration page (route=account/customregister) when users click on any link that points to the default registration module(route=account/register). I know I can edit the .htaccess file to make a redirect or a url rewriting but I want to do that by php. Do someone knows if there is some class/function or some kind of code I can put on my extension to automatically redirect users to the new url?
Thanks all in advance
P.s. I cannot modify the core files and I would not edit the .htaccess.
This can be achieved with a vQmod pretty easily. You need to use a vQmod to edit the file /catalog/controller/account/register.php
and put
$this->redirect($this->url->link('account/customregister', '', 'SSL'));
just inside the index()
method declaration (so use this as the search for the vQmod and use the after