Top "Recompile" questions

The act of compiling something again.

Can I convert a 16-bit .exe program to a 64-bit .exe?

I realize that there will likely be no special converter programs or anything easy like that for such a task, …

windows 16-bit recompile
Recompile the java files which is decompiled by JD-GUI from a jar

I have a MyFile.jar file. I use JD-GUI to decompile it and used its "Save All Sources" options to …

java jar compilation recompile jd-gui
Recompile decompiled Java (JD / JAD) source that contains goto instructions

(Related question: Java compilers or JVM languages that support goto?) I have decompiled a jar (Legally, for debugging purposes) and …

java decompiling goto recompile jad
can I easily recomplie PHP with all my current settings and enable SOAP with the new configuration?

I have PHP 5.1.6 running with a ton of mods and extensions enabled, is there a way to reconfigure the current …

php soap recompile
How to recompile with -Xlint in java netbeans?

How do i recompile my java program with -Xlint as indicated by the java compiler. I am using netbeans 8.1 beta …

java netbeans cmd recompile netbeans-8.1
How to compile the dll back after decompile C# dll?

I use reflector to decompile a dll, after that I find the bug and fixed it, now I …

c# decompiler recompile
getting error "recompile with -fPIC"

After ./configure asterisk in centos I type make command but getting the following error /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/…

makefile centos asterisk recompile fpic
Pickle: dealing with updated class definitions

After a class definition is updated by recompiling a script, pickle refuses to serialize previously instantiated objects of that class, …

python pickle recompile hotswap
GNU-Make does not recompile when a header file changed

GNU-Make does not recompile when hdr.h file changed. As below printed lines, it did not try to recompile even …

header gnu-make recompile armcc