Top "Rebase" questions

Changing the starting point of a branch in a Version Control System.

Rebasing a branch including all its children

I have the following Git repository topology: A-B-F (master) \ D (feature-a) \ / C (feature) \ E (feature-b) By rebasing feature branch I …

git version-control branch rebase git-rebase
How to "rebase tags" in git?

Suppose I have the following simple git repository: a single branch, some commits one after another, a couple of them …

git rebase git-rebase git-tag
Mercurial: How to restore after rebase

I've accidentally pulled some changes from the main repo with --rebase parameter. How do I restore the original repository state …

mercurial backup restore rebase
Why isn't 'git bisect' branch aware?

I'm trying to find the source of a bug that's come up since a commit in the past day on …

git debugging branch rebase git-rebase
Git rebase with renamed files

I've got a branch that renames many files, and I'm trying to rebase it onto master where the original files …

git merge rebase
Recover from inadvertent skip during rebase

I just tried to rebase a very old branch with a minor modification onto my master. There was a problem …

git rebase
How to use interactive rebase on the first (root) commit of a branch?

If I'm in the following situation, $ git log --oneline * abcdef commit #b * 123456 commit #a I know I can always run $ …

git rebase squash
What happens when I 'git pull --rebase origin development' from within a feature branch?

Let's say I have a feature branch called FeatureA, and it is out of sync with (remote) development on which …

git rebase feature-branch
Git workflow and Gerrit

I am trying to implement a 'git-flow' kind of workflow using Gerrit but I can't seem to figure out the …

git rebase gerrit cherry-pick git-flow