React native vector icon not working on current version 0.60

Rahul Mishra picture Rahul Mishra · Jul 11, 2019 · Viewed 13.6k times · Source

React native autolink not working for react native vector icons. I fixed this into android with this

But on IOS i am still facing issues. Please let me know if anyone solved this...Thanks!

Here is screenshot what issue i am facing.

enter image description here


Rahul Mishra picture Rahul Mishra · Jul 11, 2019

This worked for me on an upgraded project and on a brand new RN 0.60.0

For IOS add this to ios/projectname/Info.plist


For Android add this line to android/app/build.gradle

apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle"

That is fixed my issues and react native vector icons working in both the platform.