Export to PDF in React-Table

reckinam deva picture reckinam deva · Jun 25, 2019 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

I have 10 row of values in react-table .I need to convert to PDF format?.ss it possible to convert?


lomse picture lomse · Jun 25, 2019

Use jsPDF and jspdf-autotable to accomplish this. Check out the code below:

import React from 'react';
import jsPDF from "jspdf";
import "jspdf-autotable";
import './App.css';

class App extends React.Component {

  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      people: [
        { name: "Keanu Reeves", profession: "Actor" },
        { name: "Lionel Messi", profession: "Football Player" },
        { name: "Cristiano Ronaldo", profession: "Football Player" },
        { name: "Jack Nicklaus", profession: "Golf Player" },

  exportPDF = () => {
    const unit = "pt";
    const size = "A4"; // Use A1, A2, A3 or A4
    const orientation = "portrait"; // portrait or landscape

    const marginLeft = 40;
    const doc = new jsPDF(orientation, unit, size);


    const title = "My Awesome Report";
    const headers = [["NAME", "PROFESSION"]];

    const data = this.state.people.map(elt=> [elt.name, elt.profession]);

    let content = {
      startY: 50,
      head: headers,
      body: data

    doc.text(title, marginLeft, 40);

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={() => this.exportPDF()}>Generate Report</button>

export default App;

This should generate a PDF like this:

enter image description here

Hope this helps.