Using react-dropzone to upload the file, I want to achieve the file progress like in percentage of file transfer or mbs data transfer.
Here is the link of:
onDrop(acceptedFiles, uploadApi) {
const filesToBeSent = this.state.filesToBeSent;
if (acceptedFiles.length) {
if (acceptedFiles[0].type === FileTypeList.TYPE) {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", acceptedFiles[0]);
uploadApi(formData).then((response) => {
filesPreview: [],
filesToBeSent: [{}],
showNotification: true,
uploadResponse: response,
} else {
fileType: true,
} else {
fileSize: true,
<Dropzone maxSize={this.props.maxSize} onDrop={(files) => this.onDrop(files, this.props.uploadApi)}>
{({ getRootProps, getInputProps }) => {
return (
<div {...getRootProps()} className={"dropzone"}>
<UploadPanel id="uploadFileContainerId">
<img id="uploadImage" src={UploadImage} />
<input {...getInputProps()} />
{this.props.maxSizeTitle ? t("workers:UPLOAD_WORKER_FILE_SIZE") : t("assets:UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE")}
You can use React Dropzone Uploader, which gives you file previews with upload progress out of the box, and also handles uploads for you.
import 'react-dropzone-uploader/dist/styles.css'
import Dropzone from 'react-dropzone-uploader'
const Uploader = () => {
return (
getUploadParams={() => ({ url: '' })} // specify upload params and url for your files
onChangeStatus={({ meta, file }, status) => { console.log(status, meta, file) }}
onSubmit={(files) => { console.log( => f.meta)) }}
Uploads can be cancelled or restarted. The UI is fully customizable.
Full disclosure: I wrote this library to address some of the shortcomings and excessive boilerplate required by React Dropzone.