React-hot-loader: react-🔥-dom patch is not detected

Atte Juvonen picture Atte Juvonen · Feb 19, 2019 · Viewed 12.5k times · Source

I updated some npm packages in my Gatsby project and now I'm seeing this warning in console:

React-hot-loader: react-🔥-dom patch is not detected. React 16.6+ features may not work.

However, when I look into the source code, there is a comment:

// Actually everything works...

What does this warning actually mean? Is this something I should fix or just let it be?


Skipjack picture Skipjack · Feb 21, 2019

Per my comment above, it's looking like react-hot-loader wants the @hot-loader/react-dom package instead of standard react-dom:

Personally I'm a little concerned with swapping that out though since react-dom is a core part of any react-based application. Also it seems based on some of the linked issues and code comments that maybe this is just a short-term workaround to support new react features like hooks.

So I guess there's two options:

  • Wait a little longer to see if they drop that requirement (and maybe run into a few edge cases for hot loading).
  • Follow the instructions to get rid of the warning.


You can disable the warning like so:

import { hot, setConfig } from 'react-hot-loader'

    showReactDomPatchNotification: false