I have a component that uses useContext
and then its output is dependent on the value in the context. A simple example:
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
const MyComponent = () => {
const name = useContext(NameContext);
return <div>{name}</div>;
When testing this component with the shallow renderer from react and jest snapshots. How can I change the value of NameContext
In general, using hooks shouldn't change testing strategy much. The bigger issue here actually isn't the hook, but the use of context, which complicates things a bit.
There's a number of ways to make this work, but only approach I've found that works with 'react-test-renderer/shallow'
is to inject a mock hook:
import ShallowRenderer from 'react-test-renderer/shallow';
let realUseContext;
let useContextMock;
// Setup mock
beforeEach(() => {
realUseContext = React.useContext;
useContextMock = React.useContext = jest.fn();
// Cleanup mock
afterEach(() => {
React.useContext = realUseContext;
test("mock hook", () => {
useContextMock.mockReturnValue("Test Value");
const element = new ShallowRenderer().render(
<MyComponent />
expect(element.props.children).toBe('Test Value');
This is a bit dirty, though, and implementation-specific, so if you're able to compromise on the use of the shallow renderer, there's a few other options available:
If you're not shallow rendering, you can just wrap the component in a context provider to inject the value you want:
import TestRenderer from 'react-test-renderer';
test("non-shallow render", () => {
const element = new TestRenderer.create(
<NameContext.Provider value="Provided Value">
<MyComponent />
expect(element.root.findByType("div").children).toEqual(['Provided Value']);
(Disclaimer: this should work, but when I test it, I'm hitting an error which I think is an issue in my setup)
As @skyboyer commented, enzyme's shallow renderer supports .dive
allowing you to deeply renderer a part of an otherwise shallow rendered component:
import { shallow } from "./enzyme";
test("enzyme dive", () => {
const TestComponent = () => (
<NameContext.Provider value="Provided Value">
<MyComponent />
const element = shallow(<TestComponent />);
expect(element.find(MyComponent).dive().text()).toBe("Provided Value");
Finally, the Hooks FAQ has an example of testing hooks with ReactDOM
, which works as well. Naturally, using ReactDOM
means this is also a deep render, not shallow.
let container;
beforeEach(() => {
container = document.createElement('div');
afterEach(() => {
container = null;
test("with ReactDOM", () => {
act(() => {
<NameContext.Provider value="Provided Value">
<MyComponent />
), container);
expect(container.textContent).toBe("Provided Value");