How to force Apollo Query component to re-run query when parent component re-renders

Andrei R picture Andrei R · Jul 26, 2018 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

I'm using Apollo Client's <Query> within a component that is re-rendered when state is changed within a lifecycle method. I wish to have my <Query> component re-run the query because I know that data has changed. It appears that Query component is using a cache that needs to be invalidated before query is re-run.

I'm using a wonky workaround that caches the refetch callback from the render prop in the parent component, but it feels wrong. I'll post my approach in the answers if anyone is interested.

My code looks something like this. I removed loading and error handling from query as well as some other detail for brevity.

class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    if (this.props.refetchId !== prevProps.refetchId) {
      const otherData = this.processData() // do something
      this.setState({otherData}) // this forces component to reload

  render() {
    const { otherData } = this.state

    return (
      <Query query={MY_QUERY}>
        {({ data }) => {
          return <ChildComponent gqlData={data} stateData={otherData} />

How do I force <Query> to fetch new data to pass to <ChildComponent>?

Even though ParentComponent re-renders when props or state change, Query doesn't re-run. ChildComponent gets an updated stateData prop, but has a stale gqlData prop. As I understand Apollo's query cache need to be invalidated, but I'm not sure.

Please note that passing refetch to ChildComponent is not the answer because it only displays information from GraphQL and wouldn't know when to refetch. I don't want to introduce timers or otherwise complicate ChildComponent to solve this - it doesn't need to know about this complexity or data fetching concerns.


Saro picture Saro · Apr 9, 2019

I had almost a similar situation which I solved with fetchPolicy attribute:

<Query fetchPolicy="no-cache" ...

The task was to load some details from server by clicking on a list item.

And if I wanted to add an action to force re-fetching the query (such as modifying the details), I first assigned the refetch to this.refetch:

<Query fetchPolicy="no-cache" query={GET_ACCOUNT_DETAILS} variables=... }}>
  {({ data: { account }, loading, refetch }) => {
  this.refetch = refetch;

And in the specific action that I wanted the refetch to happen, I called:
