React countup animation starts immediately after the page loading , should start when scrolled to the component (without jquery)

user659730 picture user659730 · Jun 26, 2018 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I have a react single page app, with multiple components. For the 5th component(visible only when scrolled down) I have a counter . Now I am using react-countup library to achieve the counter function. However , the counter starts soon as the page is loaded . Is it possible for countup to begin once we scroll down to the component. Animation happens only once(which is good)after the page is loaded, but I would like the counter not to begin soon after the page is loaded, but when user scrolls down to the component the first time. My code looks like this:

    render() {
         return (
         <div className={style.componentName}>
         <div className={style.col}>
         <div>My counter</div>
         <CountUp className={style.countup} decimals={1} start={0} end={25} suffix=" %" duration={3} />

Updated code:

    import CountUp, { startAnimation } from 'react-countup';
    import VisibilitySensor from 'react-visibility-sensor';

    class className extends Component {

        state = {
            scrollStatus: true

        onVisibilityChange = isVisible => {
            if (isVisible) {
                if (this.state.scrollStatus) {
                    this.setState({ scrollStatus: false });
    render() {
             return (
            <div className={style.componentName}>
             <VisibilitySensor onChange={this.onVisibilityChange} offset = {{ top: 
              10}} delayedCall>
             <CountUp className={style.countup} decimals={1} start={0} end={25} 
             suffix=" %" duration={3} ref={countUp => { this.myCountUp= countUp;}}/>


Thibault picture Thibault · Sep 3, 2019

The API may have changed since last year. I manage to make this work with this code now :

import React from "react";
import CountUp from "react-countup";
import VisibilitySensor from 'react-visibility-sensor';

const MyComponent = () => (
    <CountUp end={100} redraw={true}>
        {({ countUpRef, start }) => (
            <VisibilitySensor onChange={start} delayedCall>
                <span ref={countUpRef} />

export default App;

I use this component inside a tab, so the redraw={true} prop is only here to redraw the animation on tabChange.