I am a beginner on ReactNative, I am creating a Twitter clone to practice.
I had already developed a first application and I had no problem.
But since I started the new project, after adding custom modules in the project I have this error message.
In this case I want to import a style sheet into my custom Tweet component, I added a capture, it's better for you.
So, I followed all the instructions of the capture, except Watchmen because I'm working on Windows 10, after doing the procedure, I recreated a new project with "react-create-app", restart XDE expo and the application but the problem comes back ...
I also tried the Github procedure dealing with the problem (see the catch for the issue) here => https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/4968
Simply follow again below steps
yarn add react-native-tweet-view
react-native link react-native-tweet-view