I want to test that when calling a method from a React component it trigger a function pass to the component as a props. The method is something like this:
customMethod() {
// Do something
category: 'eventCategory',
action: 'eventAction',
label: 'eventAction',
// Do something else
The method can be called from different ways, so I want just to make a generic test: if customMethod is called, should trigger this.props.trackEvent with data.
Is there a way to trigger a method call using jest and/or enzyme? I've read about doing something like this:
const wrapper = shallow(<AdPage {...baseProps} />);
But it is not working… any ideas. I'm pretty new in the testing, so maybe should I use a different approach to this kind of tests?
Assuming your customMethod is a component method, I would test it like this:
(1) Fake your trackEvent prop as a jest.fn()
when you create the wrapper.
(2) Call your customMethod using wrapper.instance().customMethod();
(3) Ensure props.trackEvent to haveBeenCalledWith the argument you mentioned.
As an example:
test('customMethod should call trackEvent with the correct argument', () => {
const baseProps = {
// whatever fake props you want passed to the component
// ...
trackEvent: jest.fn(),
const wrapper = shallow(<AdPage {...baseProps} />);
category: 'eventCategory',
action: 'eventAction',
label: 'eventAction',