Testing react component enclosed in withRouter (preferably using jest/enzyme)

Amol Aggarwal picture Amol Aggarwal · May 26, 2017 · Viewed 18.7k times · Source

I have a React component which is enclosed within Higher Order Component withRouter as below:

module.exports = withRouter(ManageProfilePage);

My routes are as below:

<Route path="/" component={AdrApp}>
    <IndexRoute component={Login}/>
    <Route component={CheckLoginStatus}>
        <Route path="manage-profiles/:profileId" component=
    <Route path="*" component={notFoundPage}/>

I need to use once of the Router lifecycle methods, that is why I need withRouter:

class ManageProfilePage extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
    this.props.router.setRouteLeaveHook(this.props.route, () => {

I need to test this component using Jest/Enzyme and I wrote the test case as below:

describe('manage profile page test suite', () => {

    it('snapshot test', () => {

        const setRouteLeaveHook =jest.fn();

        let wrapper = shallow(
            <ManageProfilePage params={{id : 25, router: 

The issue is it is not rendering one level deep. I am pasting the snapshot below:

exports[`manage drug term page test suites snapshot test 1`] = `
    Object {
      "id": 25,
      "router": [Function],

Is there any different way I can write my test case so that I am able to render ManageProfilePage atleast 1 level deep? It is not able to render as it is enclosed within WithRouter? How do we test these type of components?


Amol Aggarwal picture Amol Aggarwal · May 30, 2017

Normally if we try to test such components we won’t be able to render it as it is wrapped within WithRouter (WithRouter is a wrapper over a component which provides Router props like match, route and history to be directly used within the component). module.exports = withRouter(ManageProfilePage);

To render such components, we have to explicitly tell it to render the wrapped component using WrappedComponent keyword. For Eg. we will use below code for snapshot test:

describe('manage profile page test suite', () => {

    it('snapshot test', () => {

        const setRouteLeaveHook =jest.fn();

        let wrapper = shallow(
            <ManageProfilePage.WrappedComponent params={{id : 25, router: 

This will tell enzyme to do shallow rendering (Shallow Rendering renders only that particular component and skips child components) for ManageProfilePage which is wrapped component within WithRouter.