My question primarily revolves around this statement in the docs w.r.t. the react component:
cellEditor Params
onKeyDown Callback to tell grid a key was pressed - useful to pass control key events (tab, arrows etc) back to grid - however you do not need to call this as the grid is already listening for the events as they propagate. This is only required if you are preventing event propagation.
I understand that the cellEditor params exist as the props being passed to the react version of the component but I can't seem to find how to attach to onKeyDown as specified in the docs. In my constructor for my cellEditor the onKeyDown function exists and matches the onKeyDown
specified in cellEditorParams
inside my column definition (if it exists).
constructor(props) {
// console.log(typeof props.onKeyDown == 'function') => 'true'
But it's never reached if it simply exists in the component
onKeyDown(event) {
console.log('not reached');
It does get invoked if I put onKeyDown={this.props.onKeyDown}
inside of a top level wrapping div around my input but it still doesn't catch the "Enter" press.
I tried listening to the cell containing my custom cell editor
this.props.eGridCell.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
console.log(event.keyCode === 13)
Which does capture the enter press but it seems to unmount when enter is pressed before I can capture the final enter press inside the field? I've seen behavior where this doesn't work too so I'm very confused.
I currently have a simple cell editor MyCellEditor that I am trying to make focus and select the next cell when enter is pressed in addition to just tab. I already have the ability to extract the rowIndex
and column
properties I need from the rowRenderer at this.props.api.rowRenderer
which I then use like:
this.props.api.rowRenderer.moveFocusToNextCell(rowIndex, column, false, false, true);
My issue is where to prevent the event propagation by default from the "Enter" press.
Below is my Cell Editor and the usage.
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
class MyCellEditor extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: props.value,
getValue() {
return this.state.value;
isPopup() {
return false;
isCancelBeforeStart() {
return false;
afterGuiAttached() {
const eInput = this.input;
onKeyDown(event) {
// Never invoked!
onChangeListener = (e) => {
this.setState({ value: });
render() {
return (
ref={(c) => { this.input = c; }}
onChange={this.onChangeListener} />
export default MyCellEditor;
Column definition:
columnDefs = [{
headerName: 'CustomColumn',
field: 'customField',
editable: true,
cellClass: 'grid-align ag-grid-shop-order-text',
sortable: false,
cellEditorFramework: MyCellEditor,
// Do I need cellEditorParams?
cellEditorParams: {
// onKeyDown: (event) => console.log('does not output')
// onKeyDown also does nothing here
onGridResize={() => console.log('grid resized')}
onColumnResize={() => console.log('column resized')} />
@buddyp450, had exactly same problem and created an issue under ag-grid gitgub, however found workaround few minutes later, you can change key code to 13 in my example and works perfect :)
export default class PATableCellEditor extends Component {
constructor(props) {
afterGuiAttached() {
// get ref from React component
let eInput = this.refs.textField;
// Add a listener to 'keydown'
let self = this;
eInput.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
// Stop propagating 'left'/'right' keys
myOnKeyDown(event) {
let key = event.which || event.keyCode;
if (key === 37 || // left
key === 39) { // right