Use React-intl translated messages in Redux middleware

Anton picture Anton · Apr 15, 2016 · Viewed 10k times · Source

I support several languages in my application and use React-intl for this. I have the Redux middleware where I make a call to the server and in the case of error I want to show an error on the UI.

I know that I can do something like:

1) dispatch an action from middleware with a message key:

{type: SHOW_ERROR, message: 'message_error_key'}

2) in my React component use:

<FormattedMessage id={this.props.message_error_key}/>

But is there a way to dispatch an action with already translated message from middleware?

{type: SHOW_ERROR, message: [translated_message_should_be_here]}


Simon Somlai picture Simon Somlai · May 7, 2018

It might not be the prettiest solution, but here's how we solved this problem;

1) First we created a 'IntlGlobalProvider' component that inherits the context and props from the IntlProvider in our component tree;

<ApolloProvider store={store} client={client}>
          <Router history={history} children={routes} />

2) (inside IntlGlobalProvider.js) Then out of the context we get the intl functionality we want and expose this by a singleton.

// NPM Modules
import { intlShape } from 'react-intl'

// ======================================================
// React intl passes the messages and format functions down the component
// tree using the 'context' scope. the injectIntl HOC basically takes these out
// of the context and injects them into the props of the component. To be able to 
// import this translation functionality as a module anywhere (and not just inside react components),
// this function inherits props & context from its parent and exports a singleton that'll 
// expose all that shizzle.
// ======================================================
var INTL
const IntlGlobalProvider = (props, context) => {
  INTL = context.intl
  return props.children

IntlGlobalProvider.contextTypes = {
  intl: intlShape.isRequired

// ======================================================
// Class that exposes translations
// ======================================================
var instance
class IntlTranslator {
  // Singleton
  constructor() {
    if (!instance) {
      instance = this;
    return instance;

  // ------------------------------------
  // Formatting Functions
  // ------------------------------------
  formatMessage (message, values) {
    return INTL.formatMessage(message, values)

export const intl = new IntlTranslator()
export default IntlGlobalProvider

3) Import it anywhere as a module

import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'
import { intl } from 'modules/core/IntlGlobalProvider'

const intlStrings = defineMessages({
  translation: {
    id: 'myid',
    defaultMessage: 'Hey there',
    description: 'someStuff'
