ReactCSSTransitionGroup only good with animating in new component?

Stefan picture Stefan · Mar 7, 2016 · Viewed 14.2k times · Source

I have ReactCSSTransitionGroup working fine (I think), the newly mounted component fades in in all its glory.

The problem is that the component being replace just abruptly disappears, a problem for me because eventually I would like that my components transition in and out of the viewport...

I don't seem to see any way of telling the leaving component how to disappear elegantly.

Am I missing something or is ReactCSSTransitionGroup only capable of animating the incoming component?


Code below:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Router, Route, IndexRoute, hashHistory, Link } from "react-router";
import ReactCSSTransitionGroup from "react-addons-css-transition-group";

class PageOne extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName="example" transitionAppear={true} transitionAppearTimeout={500} transitionEnterTimeout={500} transitionLeaveTimeout={500}>
          HI FROM PAGE ONE<br />
          <br />
          <Link to="two">Take me to Page Two</Link>
class PageTwo extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName="example" transitionAppear={true} transitionAppearTimeout={500} transitionEnterTimeout={500} transitionLeaveTimeout={500}>
          HELLO FROM PAGE TWO<br />
          <br />
          <Link to="/">Go back to Page One</Link>

const app = document.getElementById('app');
  <Router history={hashHistory}>
    <Route path="/" component={PageOne}></Route>
    <Route path="two" component={PageTwo}></Route>

And the CSS:

.example-enter {
  opacity: 0.01;
.example-enter.example-enter-active {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 500ms ease-in;
.example-leave {
  opacity: 1;
.example-leave.example-leave-active {
  opacity: 0.01;
  transition: opacity 300ms ease-in;


Stefan picture Stefan · Mar 8, 2016

Ok it looks like they had it worked out already and I just didn't discover it until now.

The React-Router git repo has a list of examples and within is one for "Animation". This demo shows how you can leverage ReactCSSTransitionGroup for animating in/out "Pages" by cloning the element and assigning a key.