Use this tag for questions regarding DOM use and bindings of React Router v4, v5, and v6.
How to redirect from one class component to another class component/fresh page in ReactJS. Currently, I am able to …
reactjs navigation react-router react-router-dom multi-page-applicationI am trying to mock history.push inside the new useHistory hook on react-router and using @testing-library/react. I just …
reactjs react-router jestjs react-router-dom react-testing-libraryI am new to react and still learning my way around. I am creating a single page app where the …
javascript reactjs react-router-v4 react-router-domI am using react-router-v4 along with react 16. I want to reset the component's internal state when the user go to …
reactjs react-router react-router-v4 react-router-domI have a simple App that uses BrowserRouter from 'react-router-dom' v4. I'm trying to access the location.pathname property from …
reactjs react-router-domI try to nest a route: I have a catalog of products in a Catalog component, which matches with url "…
javascript reactjs routes react-router react-router-domI am learning Redux, and with the new changes in react-router-dom I am a bit confused. I have these files: …
javascript reactjs redux react-router-domI would like to pass an ID in props to a component react I use react-router-dom Here is my app.…
javascript reactjs react-router-domI am using React Router hooks for navigation useHistory. Navigate : history.push("/home", { update: true }); In home : I am trying …
reactjs react-hooks react-router-domI am building a React app with several components and in at least half of them I am using React-notify …
javascript reactjs react-router-dom react-toastify