I have seen similar questions on Stackoverflow but none sorted the problem. I have just created new ReactNative project from Expo desktop app. But I can not run it on my Android phone via QR code scan when Expo configuration is set to LAN mode. Which seems not accessible on my Android phone (looks like). My phone is on same Wifi network.
I have also tried to run Expo demo app by turning off Firewalls but still no success. I'm sure your one technical look might soft my issue.
Note: The Expo tunnel was down that's why it loaded in LAN mode. Few days ago I tried Tunnel mode which works. But, at that time too LAN didn't work. So may be any one can point me in right direction, so I can run it in LAN mode (being on Phone and Machine on same Wifi Network).
I am not sure this help you or not but in my case this helps me so you can also try this:
1: First of all you have to increase the WiFi Adapter priority( Interface Metric)
Goto Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections
step 1) Right click on the wi-fi as shown in above image and right click > Click Properties
step 2) select Internet Protocol Version 4 and > Click Properties
step 3) click on > Advanced
step 4)
2: You have to change your wifi network profile from Public to private
step 1) selecting your network from available WiFi notwork and click Properties
step 2) change your network profile from Public to Private
That's it now run your expo project on LAN it will work 100%
For more helps you can contact me
Email: [email protected]