I have a login Screen, when the user login they are brought to a screen similar to the one shown above.
In this screen, I have a tabNavigator containing tabs to 5 screens, similar to the one shown in the image above. It also has a header kinda thing with search bar in it. This header is only supposed to be shown in 4 of the 5 tabs and there is a different header i need to display in the 5th tab.
Is there a way to do this? I know i can add a view in 4 of the 5 tabs that render same header and a view in the 5th screen that renders a different header, But I was wondering if there is a way I could do this without having to render the same view in all the 4 tabs again and again.
P.S It should work on both iOS and Android
You can configure header
of TabNavigator
by navigationOptions
const TabNav = TabNavigator({
First: { screen: FirstPage },
Second: { screen: SecondPage },
Third: { screen: ThirdPage },
Fourth: { screen: FourthPage },
Fifth: { screen: FifthPage }
}, {
navigationOptions: {
header: <SearchHeader />
And then custom navigationOptions
in FifthPage:
class FifthPage extends Component {
static navigationOptions = {
header: <FifthPageHeader />
I just created a demo on Expo Snack: https://snack.expo.io/rJDGpmPHZ, the 5th screen has a blue header, and the others have a red one.
In the document of TabNavigator
at https://reactnavigation.org/docs/navigators/tab#Screen-Navigation-Options, it hasn't list the header
option, I think it will be pass to StackNavigator