React-native-android: refers everything related to react-native Android development.
I have a warning when running React Native on an Android device: Debugger and device times had drifted by more …
react-native android-emulator adb react-native-androidI want to reload the tabNavigator when the user changse the tab each time. the lifecycle method of react native …
react-native react-native-android react-navigation tabnavigatorAfter upgrade to 0.26.0-rc version, this line: React.findNodeHandle(this.refs.myRef) Throws this error message: Unhandled JS Exception: _react2.…
javascript react-native ecmascript-6 react-native-android react-native-iosIs it possible to save an image to the android's local file system so it can be viewed from the …
react-native filesystems react-native-android react-native-fs react-native-fetch-blobI am trying to make my content start 100 px from the top in React Native. I have tried with const …
javascript ios react-native react-native-android react-native-iosIs there a way to limit the textinput between a minimum length and maximum length. Suppose I want to limit …
react-native react-native-android react-native-ios react-native-textinputI followed following link to get started with react-native Getting started with react native I tried to create native app …
reactjs react-native react-native-android react-native-cli metro-bundlerI'm trying to run flex on a ScrollView, and as long as the ScrollView has flex: 1 the scroll inside does …
react-native flexbox react-native-android react-native-scrollviewI can no longer run my app after updating expo version to 31.0.0. I needed this upgrade to do due iOS …
android android-studio react-native-android expo android-studio-3.0I'm trying to add a shadow on the bottom of a view, but i don't how to do it on …
android react-native react-native-android android-styles shadow