Top "Rbenv" questions

a simple version manager for Ruby, with a plugin system to modify its behaviour.

Running pod install from Xcode cocoapods plugin

I am trying to run a pod install command from the Xcode cocoapods plugin. When I run the update/install …

ios ruby rubygems cocoapods rbenv
How to install a gem globally without sudo using rbenv?

I am using rbenv and I am trying to install sass without success. So, I installed rbenv via Homebrew, then …

ruby gem sudo rbenv
Why is no Ruby script found in input (LoadError)?

Ruby is installed by rbenv. $ ruby -v ruby 1.9.3p327 (2012-11-10 revision 37606) [i686-linux] $ which ruby /home/user/.rbenv/shims/…

ruby sass rbenv
Installing Ruby using rbenv on Ubuntu 14.04 virtualbox hangs

I'm trying to get the Ruby on Rails running on Ubuntu 14.04. The Ubuntu is installed on VirtualBox. I'm following https://…

ruby-on-rails ruby ubuntu ubuntu-14.04 rbenv
rbenv — 'find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem bundler (>= 0.a) with executable bundle (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

I'm new to rbenv (was using RVM for long time). Today I do clean uninstall of my RVM and install …

ruby rubygems bundler rbenv
Using rbenv doesn't work with sudo?

Any commands that use sudo don't seem to work with RBenv. I'm trying to install ActiveRecord and it says I …

ruby ubuntu rbenv
Bundler can't seem to find correct Ruby through Rbenv

For years I used RVM as my Ruby version manager, but I want to switch to rbenv for its simplicity. …

ruby-on-rails ruby capistrano bundler rbenv
Rails is not using my global Ruby version

I want to use Rails with Ruby 2.1.0, but it's using Ruby 1.9.3 (the system's version). I'm using rbenv to manage my …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4 rbenv
LoadError: dlopen(digest/sha1.bundle): Symbol not found: _rb_Digest_SHA1_Finish

Ruby stopped working on my brother's machine recently. gem commands rails server rails console All failed with the following error: $ …

ruby-on-rails ruby macos rvm rbenv
rbenv install ruby BUILD FAILED

I'm quite new to rbenv let alone ruby and having some difficulty diagnosing the following installation failure: rbenv install 2.0.0-p0 …

ruby rbenv