how to remove html tags from rich text editor in Umbraco (Razor)

Mr A picture Mr A · Aug 19, 2011 · Viewed 11.8k times · Source

I am using a rich text editor to display description on the products page , but the page renders as :

<p>text description</p>

The macro for description is :

Razor syntax:

@foreach ( var page in @Model.Children)

    <div id="productSection">
  <div id="productstext">

  <div id="image">
  <a href="@page.Url"><img src="@page.productImage" height="200px" width="230px"/></a> </div>
 <div id="title">
  <h3>@page.GetProperty("productTitle") </h3> </div>

<div id="description">

 @page.GetProperty("product") </div>

Thnx in advance


marapet picture marapet · Aug 20, 2011

If the question is how to remove the paragraph tag which is rendered around the rich text, you may try the whether the following solution works for you:


You may want to wrap that in a helper:

@helper RemoveParagraph(HtmlString s)

and then call id like this:


Be aware though that umbraco.library.RemoveFirstParagraphTag also removes line breaks (which most of the time is not a problem).

See also the Umbraco forum post about exactly this question: