A RatingBar is an Android widget that shows a rating in stars.
ratingbar didn't change when the user click on it ? her is my xml code <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> &…
android xml ratingbarI'm a beginner in designing with XML :D This is the XML of my rating bar and friends : <LinearLayout …
android ratingbarI have a requirement to rate for a user with minimum of one star and after that ratings should increase …
android actionlistener ratingbarI seem to have a problem with catching my ratingbar click. The ratings bar is showing up just fine and …
android android-layout ratingbarI am trying to make custom RatingBar for my android app in which i can change the default size and …
android xml android-layout android-studio ratingbarI have a rating Bar <RatingBar android:id="@+id/RATINGinitialvalueratingID" style="?android:attr/ratingBarStyleSmall" android:layout_width="wrap_content" …
android ratingbarI am trying to display an int value as a ratingBar. The max value is 5. This is my XML file: &…
android ratingbarI'm using rating bars in my Android application. But it only shows full stars, when I also want half stars. …
android ratingbarI am trying to set a custom color for the small progressbar with this code: <style name="RatingBar" parent="…
android ratingbar