Top "Rapidjson" questions

A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API

How can I add string pairs to a document of rapidjson

I want to create a json string using rapidjson. But I got a error: unable to convert std::string to …

c++ json rapidjson
stringify with rapidjson

I'm using,, which uses rapidjson. When a event is received, my function …

c++ json rapidjson
rapidjson extract key and value

I'm trying to extract the key and the value of an object in array but don't find the proper getter: …

c++ json rapidjson
How to read json file using rapidjson and output to std::string?

How can I read a *.json file and put the output on a std::string? I have this sample, but …

c++ rapidjson
rapidjson proper json creation

I'm trying to create a json using rapidjson and I am having some unexpected problems with generating a proper output. …

c++ json rapidjson
rapidjson pretty print using JSON string as input to the writer

Following rapidjson documentation I'm able to generate a pretty-printed JSON ouput writting in a key-by-key approach, e.g.: rapidjson::StringBuffer …

c++ json rapidjson
Rapidjson Document

I am trying to create a json document using rapidjson but I don't know how I can replicate part of …

c++ rapidjson
Rapidjson , get a value inside an array of another array

I need to sparse a json of this kind with rapidjson : { "errors":{}, "id":2326625, "source_code":"GOOG", "data": [ ["2010-01-12",-0.010565362832445,…

c++ json rapidjson
C++ rapidjson: GenericValue::IsNull is returning false in any case

I still shocked after detecting a mysterious issue on our project. We realized that calling HasMember("string") was performing an …

c++ performance design-patterns rapidjson
rapid JSON fails with Assertion `IsObject()' failed

I am trying to parse the data received from a server with RapidJSON . Following is the exact string that is …

curl rapidjson