Top "Ram" questions

RAM (Random Access Memory) is a form of computer data storage.

Limiting the use of RAM. (C# .NET)

There are huge files about 100Mb. I want to load them into memory (RAM), process and save somewhere. At the …

c# ram limiting
Load a MySQL innodb database into memory

I have a MySQL innodb database at 1.9GB, showed by following command. SELECT table_schema "Data Base Name" , sum( data_…

mysql memory caching innodb ram
php zip archive memory, ram and max file size

I have folders that have user generated images that get rather large. When trying to zip these I am getting …

php memory-management ram ziparchive
How to get application memory usage as shown in Task Manager?

I am trying to get the memory usage of my application but for some reason i am getting different size …

c# .net memory process ram
AndroidStudio show usage of RAM

I have seen on other AndroidStudio-pictures, that there is a RAM usage at the right bottom. I tried to setup …

android-studio ram
Redis: Database Size to Memory Ratio?

What is Redis's database size to memory ratio? For instance, if I have an 80MB database, how much RAM will …

database memory redis ram
How to get system cpu/ram usage in c++ on Windows

I once had the task of determining the following performance parameters from inside a running application: Total virtual memory available …

c++ windows cpu ram
PHP server statistics script?

I'm not really sure where to put this question (it's not really webapps or superuser) but I'm sure something similar …

php statistics ram temperature uptime
Memory usage of byte array in Java

For a heuristic precomputed table i need a byte array with 1504935936 entries. This should take about 1.5 GB of Memory. public …

java arrays memory ram
Why isn't RAM as fast as registers/cache memory?

Why do we need to cache in Cache Memory? Why cant RAM Memory be made as fast as register or …

caching memory hardware ram