Top "Rails-postgresql" questions

Open source RDBMS (relational database management system) when used in conjunction with the Ruby on Rails framework.

Creating a PostgreSQL sequence to a field (which is not the ID of the record)

I am working on a Ruby on Rails app. We are using a PostgreSQL database. There is a table named …

ruby-on-rails postgresql activerecord rails-activerecord rails-postgresql
pghero on PostgresApp pg_stat_statements must be loaded via shared_preload_libraries

I have this error PG::ObjectNotInPrerequisiteState: ERROR: pg_stat_statements must be loaded via shared_preload_libraries on localhost. Using …

postgresql rails-postgresql
rails select with includes

I have these code in my rails 3.2 application User.includes(:profile).limit(10) which select all fields from profiles table I …

ruby-on-rails activerecord rails-postgresql
Postgres accent insensitive LIKE search in Rails 3.1 on Heroku

How can I modify a where/like condition on a search query in Rails: find(:all, :conditions => ["lower(name) …

ruby-on-rails postgresql rails-postgresql unaccent
PG::ConnectionBad: could not translate host name error after running export DATABASE_URL=postgres://$(whoami)

I received this error after running export DATABASE_URL=postgres://$(whoami) on the command line. Now when I run the …

database postgresql pg rails-postgresql
PostgreSQL Big Text Column Performance

I am storing sent emails in a RDBMS including the to address, from address, and email body. The body can …

postgresql rails-postgresql
how can I migrate the database dump of MongoDB into PostgreSQL?

I replicate the application using the database as postgresql but later on I came to know that application was using …

mongodb postgresql ruby-on-rails-4 mysqldump rails-postgresql
rspec returns "PG::Error: ERROR: relation "table_name" does not exist"

Environment is REE(2011.12) on rvm, rspec 2.8.0, rails 3.0.6, and pg 0.13.2. Using PostgreSQL 8.3.17 on CentOS 5.6. The db:migrate have work correctly. But …

ruby-on-rails-3 postgresql rspec rspec2 rails-postgresql
Postgresql via homebrew vs. mountain lion OS X

This is bothering me to no end. I'm setting up a Rails 3.2 environment with Postgresql on my Mac with OS 10.8.2 (…

ruby-on-rails-3 osx-mountain-lion homebrew rails-postgresql
How can I create a Postgres user and database whenever I create a new rails app?

I have followed this really helpful tutorial: I would really like to run rails new …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 postgresql rails-postgresql