Top "Rails-migrations" questions

Rails migrations are used to track and apply database alterations in a reversible manner.

Heroku run rake db:migrate results in no change in the database, app restarted several times

I have a problem with pushing my migrations to the production database. The issue: I've altered database schema by adding 1 …

heroku migration rake database-migration rails-migrations
How do you make remove_column reversible?

I have a migration that removes a column: def change remove_column :foos, :bar, :boolean end When I try to …

ruby-on-rails rails-migrations
How do I move a column (with contents) to another table in a Rails migration?

I need to move some columns from one existing table to another. How do I do it using a rails …

ruby-on-rails data-migration rails-migrations
How to create a column of type tinyint(2) or tinyint(3) in Ruby on Rails?

In Ruby on Rails, the following code in a migration creates a column of type tinyint(4) in MySQL: create_table :…

mysql ruby-on-rails rails-migrations tinyint
Running migrations with Rails in a Docker container with multiple container instances

I've seen lots of examples of making Docker containers for Rails applications. Typically they run a rails server and have …

mysql ruby-on-rails docker database-migration rails-migrations
Removing default value from Rails Migration

I found several similar questions about editing a migration but couldn't figure this one out. I did a rails migration, …

ruby-on-rails-4 rails-migrations
Rails: "t.references" not working when creating index

class CreateBallots < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :ballots do |t| t.references :user t.references :score t.references :…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3.2 rails-migrations
Rails 4. Migrate table id to UUID

I have a table: db/migrate/20140731201801_create_voc_brands.rb: class CreateVocBrands < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :voc_…

ruby-on-rails migration rails-migrations
What is a "circular argument reference" error, with activesupport time_zone?

I'm new in ruby on rails, and I am trying to create a tutorial. I have a problem when I …

ruby-on-rails ruby rubygems rails-migrations
Gem::LoadError: can't activate pg (~> 0.18), already activated pg-1.0.0

I've been doing the Rails tutorial found here and have been successful up to the point of having to migrate …

ruby-on-rails ruby postgresql bundler rails-migrations