Top "Rack" questions

Rack provides a minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks.

How do you choose your HTTP server in Sinatra?

I am running a Sinatra application locally. Ever since I installed Thin, my Sinatra app always uses it as the …

sinatra rack thin webrick mongrel
You have already activated rack 1.6.0, but your Gemfile requires rack 1.6.4

Similar to problem with rack 1.3.2. You have already activated rack 1.3.2, but your Gemfile requires rack 1.2.3 -- I'm experiencing You have …

ruby-on-rails nginx rack gemfile
How do I use a Rack middleware only for certain paths?

I'd like to have MyMiddleware run in my Rack app, but only for certain paths. I was hoping to use …

ruby rack middleware
Testing Middleware with Rspec

I've written some Rack-Middleware and now I'm trying to test it with Rspec. But all Rack-Middleware is instantiated with an …

ruby-on-rails rspec rack rack-middleware
Streaming data from Sinatra/Rack application

I am trying to stream textual data (XML/JSON) from a Ruby (1.9.1p378) Sinatra (1.0) Rack (1.2.1) application. The suggested solutions (e.…

ruby sinatra rack
What's the variable HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST in the @env hash in middleware?

In a Rack middleware filter, I know the call method takes an env hash variable. I'm looking through someone's Rack …

ruby-on-rails rack rack-middleware
Rails 3 middleware modify request headers

My setup: Rails 3.0.9, Ruby 1.9.2 I am working on my first middleware app and it seems like all of the examples …

ruby-on-rails-3 rack middleware
Single Sign-On Server Authentication in Ruby/Rack

I write and host web applications on Windows servers for intranet usage. My server stack uses Sinatra (which uses Rack), …

ruby active-directory rack kerberos ntlm
Where to insert Rack::Deflater in the rack?

I currently have the following: use Rack::Rewrite use Rack::Cache, {:verbose=>true, :metastore=>"memcached://localhost:11211/rack-cache/meta", :…

ruby-on-rails ruby gzip rack
How to force rack to work around the usual "You have already activated rack..." bug?

This is a common question, but none of the answers seem to solve the issue. I get the usual: You …

ruby-on-rails rack