Top "Race-condition" questions

A race condition is when multiple threads/processes/clients all use a resource, without proper use of locks.

Ways to Find a Race Condition

I have a bit of code with a race condition in it... I know that it is a race condition …

c++ visual-studio-2008 conditional-statements race-condition
mysql insert race condition

How do you stop race conditions in MySQL? the problem at hand is caused by a simple algorithm: select a …

mysql locking transactions race-condition
How does using the try statement avoid a race condition?

When determining whether or not a file exists, how does using the try statement avoid a "race condition"? I'm asking …

python race-condition
OpenCL float sum reduction

I would like to apply a reduce on this piece of my kernel code (1 dimensional data): __local float sum = 0; int …

multithreading parallel-processing opencl race-condition reduction
A race condition when using Redis command incr and expire

Based on the redis document: In the paragraph Pattern: Rate Limiter 2 A shorter version code: …

redis increment race-condition
Is the != check thread safe?

I know that compound operations such as i++ are not thread safe as they involve multiple operations. But is checking …

java multithreading thread-safety atomic race-condition
How do I obtain, and synchronize, a complete list of all X11 windows?

I want to monitor all the open windows under X11. Currently, I'm doing this as follows: Initially walking the whole …

c linux x11 race-condition xorg
Preventing race condition of if-exists-update-else-insert in Entity Framework

I've been reading other questions on how to implement if-exists-insert-else-update semantics in EF, but either I'm not understanding how the …

.net entity-framework transactions race-condition
Understanding goroutines

I'm trying to understand concurrency in Go. In particular, I wrote this thread-unsafe program: package main import "fmt" var x = 1 …

concurrency go race-condition
How can I reproduce the race conditions in this python code reliably?

Context I recently posted a timer class for review on Code Review. I'd had a gut feeling there were concurrency …

python multithreading testing timer race-condition