Simple example of Masstransit with RabbitMQ

SharpCoder picture SharpCoder · Mar 1, 2013 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

I want to use MassTransit bus with RabbitMQ. But I am not able to find a simple example. I am looking for example which will get me started.

What I have tried.

  1. googled: But most the examples are using MSMQ or they using too many configuration options.
  2. GitHub: I looked a the GitHub for MassTransit ( But the example here is heavily loaded. It's very hard to understand for beginners.
  3. Reading docs: I have started reading docs but it will take some time before I finish it. I am hoping if someone shares a link to simple example which will get me started.

Please provide your suggestion.


Chrysalis picture Chrysalis · Nov 4, 2014

Here's a simple, good pub-sub example using MassTransit and RabbitMQ both.

In case the article link does not work, here's the link to the source code:

Thanks to the author of course!