Does anyone know if there is a tool in R to find the height above sea level of a location, given the latitude and longitude ?
Or you can use the package that looks up from geonames, and get the value from the srtm3 digital elevation model:
First get a geonames username by registering at
. Then set it:
> options(geonamesUsername="myusernamehere")
> require(geonames)
> GNsrtm3(54.481084,-3.220625)
srtm3 lng lat
1 797 -3.220625 54.48108
or the gtopo30 model:
> GNgtopo30(54.481084,-3.220625)
gtopo30 lng lat
1 520 -3.220625 54.48108
geonames is on CRAN so install.packages("geonames") will get it.
The difference between these two models is because they are only approximations based on satellite data. Don't go expecting to pinpoint mountains from this.