I am trying to load an .rda file in r which was a saved dataframe. I do not remember the name of it though.
I have tried
which then does not let me do anything with a. I get the error
Error:object 'a' not found
I have also tried to use the = sign.
How do I load this .rda file so I can use it?
I restared R with load("al.rda) and I know get the following error
Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit
Use 'attach' and then 'ls' with a name argument. Something like:
The data file is now on your search path in position 2, most likely. Do:
for enlightenment. Typing the name of any object saved in al.rda will now get it, unless you have something in search path position 1, but R will probably warn you with some message about a thing masking another thing if there is.
However I now suspect you've saved nothing in your RData file. Two reasons:
I can duplicate this situation. If you do save(file="foo.RData") then you'll get an empty RData file - what you probably meant to do was save.image(file="foo.RData") which saves all your objects.
How big is this .rda file of yours? If its under 100 bytes (my empty RData files are 42 bytes long) then I suspect that's what's happened.