Add characters to a numeric column in dataframe

Lisann picture Lisann · Nov 9, 2011 · Viewed 34.1k times · Source

I have a dataframe like this:

  V1      V2      V3 
1  1 3423086 3423685 
2  1 3467184 3467723 
3  1 4115236 4115672 
4  1 5202437 5203057 
5  2 7132558 7133089 
6  2 7448688 7449283 

I want to change the V1 column and add chr before the number. Just like this:

  V1      V2      V3 
1  chr1 3423086 3423685 
2  chr1 3467184 3467723 
3  chr1 4115236 4115672 
4  chr1 5202437 5203057 
5  chr2 7132558 7133089 
6  chr2 7448688 7449283 

Is there a way to do this in R?


IRTFM picture IRTFM · Nov 9, 2011

The regex pattern "^" (outside any character-class brackets) represents the point just before the first character of a "character"-class item (aka "string" in other computer languages). This just replaces the beginning of each "character" element in vector with a stem of "chr". It implicitly coerces a "numeric" input value to "character" so alters the mode of the result.

> dat$V1 <- sub("^", "chr", dat$V1 )
> dat
    V1      V2      V3
1 chr1 3423086 3423685
2 chr1 3467184 3467723
3 chr1 4115236 4115672
4 chr1 5202437 5203057
5 chr2 7132558 7133089
6 chr2 7448688 7449283

Could, of course, have used paste("chr", dat$V1, sep=""), but I thought a regex solution might be neater.