I have a data frame that looks like this:
site date var dil
1 A 7.4 2
2 A 6.5 2
1 A 7.3 3
2 A 7.3 3
1 B 7.1 1
2 B 7.7 2
1 B 7.7 3
2 B 7.4 3
I need add a column called wt
to this dataframe that contains the weighting factor needed to calculate the weighted mean. This weighting factor has to be derived for each combination of site
and date
The approach I'm using is to first built a function that calculate the weigthing factor:
> weight <- function(dil){
then apply the function for each combination of site
and date
> df$wt <- ddply(df,.(date,site),.fun=weight)
but I get this error message:
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
only defined on a data frame with all numeric variables
You are almost there. Modify your code to use the transform
function. This allows you to add columns to the data.frame inside ddply
weight <- function(x) x/sum(x)
ddply(df, .(date,site), transform, weight=weight(dil))
site date var dil weight
1 1 A 7.4 2 0.40
2 1 A 7.3 3 0.60
3 2 A 6.5 2 0.40
4 2 A 7.3 3 0.60
5 1 B 7.1 1 0.25
6 1 B 7.7 3 0.75
7 2 B 7.7 2 0.40
8 2 B 7.4 3 0.60